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Congratulations to our 2024 scholarship recipients!

Place des Arts awards annual scholarships to help students in their pursuit of excellence in the visual, literary and performing arts. This year, we awarded $3,650 to 11 deserving students in music, theatre, dance, visual arts and literary arts. We are so proud of all of their accomplishments at Place des Arts and are so happy to see the next generation of artists growing! Find out more about them below by clicking on their names!

Hana McRobbie

Kiana Cha

Ananya Naik

Angeli Angustura

Darianna Gonzalez

Hailey Kwei

Irene Lim

Mia Banner

Sashen Perera

Selina Zhang

Sienna Fogliato

Hana McRobbie

Music, Scholarship for Advanced Musical Studies and PdA Scholarship

Age: 13

  1. When and how did you get started practicing your art form?
    I started playing the cello when I turned 9 years old, just as I was starting grade 4. I had actually wanted to learn the violin, but there were no lessons available at the specific time I wanted. The only lesson available at that time was cello, so my parents signed me up for that. 
  2. How does winning this scholarship help you achieve your goals?
    Winning the scholarship will help me achieve my goals in many ways. It will give me the confidence to keep pursuing cello. If I am ever having a hard time, then the scholarship will remind me that I have the Place des Arts community supporting me. I have been given such a rare privilege and opportunity and should use everything I have to try and make the most of it. It will push me to keep moving forward. 
  3. How has your teacher helped you achieve your goals?  
    When I first started cello, Aleksandra Dziobek was my teacher. She helped me from the very beginning to understand how great the cello is, and she was the one who inspired me to be passionate about the instrument. After Aleksandra retired last year, I started studying with Surim Cha. She helps me break down my goals into smaller steps and shares her enthusiasm for cello with me. 
  4. Share a story about your time at Place des Arts. It can be about an inspiring moment, an impactful relationship or your fondest memory.  
    I have actually been taking ballet lessons at Place des Arts for 7 years. I haven’t had a significant improvement since I first started because the hours I practice are few, but ballet has had such a positive impact on my life, and I really enjoy attending classes, concerts, and competitions. Lucienne Anczykowski is the ballet teacher, and she has changed my life so much. She puts in such a huge effort with all her students, and not only is amazing at teaching ballet, but life skills, and how to be a good person.  
  5. Who is your role model and why? 
    My role model is British cellist, Sheku Kanneh-Mason. I always listened to his music and was always inspired by him. Then one day, my parents got an email saying that I had been chosen to be one of a 12-person cello choir, to accompany him for one of his pieces at his concert at the Chan Centre. There, I got to not only listen to his whole concert, but play on stage with him, have a conversation with him, and have my cello case signed by him. He has inspired me so much and has taught me so many things.  

Kiana Cha

Music, Elliott Harty Piano Scholarship

Age: 13 

  1. When and how did you get started practicing your art form?
    When I was younger, I’d sometimes hear classical piano music playing on the radio, or my parents would turn it on for me a few times. Or, I’d watch videos of piano instrumental versions of my favourite popular pop songs online. I’d also hear piano in some songs I really enjoyed listening to. As a kid, I always wanted to be able to play all these songs I loved myself on the piano. So, my mom signed me up for lessons when I was 7 and I’ve been playing ever since. I’m now able to play a lot of the songs on the piano and hope to be good enough to be able to play any song I set my mind to.  
  1. How does winning this scholarship help you achieve your goals?  
    My goal is to be good enough to be able to play any song I want on the piano for myself and for my loved ones, especially my mom and family friend. They both have a song that they want me to play for them and I want to be skilled enough to play those pieces for them in the future. This scholarship is a big help to me because it can give me more classes, which helps me learn this intricate instrument even more. I’m extremely grateful for this contribution to my learning and will work hard to achieve my goal in the near future.  
  1. How has your teacher helped you achieve your goals?  
    My piano teacher, Ms. Irina Jilina, has been a huge supporter of me during my journey of learning the piano. She’s always been patient and kind with me, even if I’m struggling. She’s a big contributor to the fact that I’ve been able to make it this far and without her, I could’ve never won this scholarship. She taught me all the basics I needed to be able to play, teaching me harder and harder things as we progressed. Thanks to her, I’m starting to be able to reach my goal and I’m so thankful for all the help, support, and love she’s given me so far and I am forever grateful for her.  
  1. Share a story about your time at Place des Arts. It can be about an inspiring moment, an impactful relationship or your fondest memory.  
    I have a lot of wonderful memories at Place des Arts, but my favourite is definitely when I’d explore the building and play outside in the sun with a close friend. We both have younger sisters who were in the same ballet class at Place des Arts, and my friend and I would play and explore the building or go outside and look at the flowers when it was sunny. When we went outside, something we did a lot was look at the many roly-polies that were hiding in the small flowerpots outside. We’d always play with them until our parents dragged us home when our sisters’ class ended. This is a core memory that crosses my mind first whenever I think about Place des Arts.  
  1. Who is your role model and why? 
    There are a lot of people I look up to, but one of the many that I especially love is Malcolm James McCormick, a.k.a. Mac Miller. He’s an American rapper and songwriter who is well known and loved around the world. One of the songs that I want to be able to play on the piano is his song, ‘Congratulations’. The song’s melody is played by the piano and I really love this song. I’ve already started learning it on the piano and I’m very proud of my progress so far. The reason I look up to Mac Miller so much is because he, like me, loved music and played the drums, piano and guitar since the young age of 6. He was also very open about his struggles with depression and substance use and raised awareness for people struggling with the same issues he did. Mac Miller sadly passed away in September 2018 from an accidental drug overdose. Even though he passed, he’s still loved and remembered by many across the globe, including me, and his music and story are still an inspiration for many people in the world.  

Ananya Naik

Literary Arts, Leonore Peyton Memorial Award

Age: 14

  1. When and how did you get started practicing your art form?
    When I was little, I loved making up my own worlds, full of wonder and magic. I wanted to share my imagination with other people through the visual arts. Throughout my childhood, I practiced my writing and drawing skills so I could share what it meant to live in my shoes. I wrote stories for school projects and for my own enjoyment. I painted for sets, contests, and exhibitions. Travelling and living in many countries also played a role in my stories, making them diverse and full of life.
  2. How does winning this scholarship help you achieve your goals?
    Winning this scholarship not only enables me to further my education in the arts but also provides the motivation I need to enhance my writing skills. It empowers me to showcase something new to the world. This achievement also serves as a significant milestone, unlocking opportunities that were previously beyond my reach.
  3. How has your teacher helped you achieve your goals?
    My teacher supported me in achieving my goals by helping me express my ideas and imagination more effectively through writing. She played a crucial role in my growth by challenging me to explore new perspectives and styles through various activities.
  4. Share a story about your time at Place des Arts. It can be about an inspiring moment, an impactful relationship, or your fondest memory. 
    I have two memories at Place des Arts that really stand out to me. During the Images and Ideas exhibition, I felt inspired by so many others who had put up their artworks along with mine. It was an amazing chance to see other people’s art while also showing my own. The other was in writing class, where we had a group activity. We tossed an object to each other, completing the story one by one. Each time, someone had something new to add, something funny and weird. It was honestly so fun to see where the stories would end up, and now I play this game with my friends and family whenever the mood is down to see them light up again.
  5. Who is your role model and why?
    In the world of writing, my role model is J.R.R. Tolkien. I want to be able to write and build up my worlds with the same dedication that he did, and with such precision that every single detail fell into place with almost no plot holes. He used his expertise and imagination to build up a whole universe with different languages, people, and places. His work inspired most of fantasy literature today, and his imagination was unparalleled. I hope that I can inspire something new too.

Angeli Angustura

Dance, CMHT Award

Age: 16

  1. When and how did you get started practicing your art form?
    I began formally training in dance this season, but my love for dance sparked in elementary school, where I performed in various dances for school events.
  2. How does winning this scholarship help you achieve your goals?
    By winning this scholarship, I can pursue my dance studies and attain further opportunities to mould myself into a more versatile and technical dancer. With the collaboration of my newfound fellow dancers, I can continue to explore and strengthen my abilities through the dance pieces I learn in class. Beyond the studio, I can showcase my passion for the art form and interact with the local dance scene through various competitions and performance opportunities.
  3. How has your teacher helped you achieve your goals?
    Whether she gives constructive criticisms or praise, Ms. Amanda’s hard work and support in class grants me space to be more comfortable in learning new skills and perform to the best of my ability in every session.
  4. Share a story about your time at Place des Arts. It can be about an inspiring moment, an impactful relationship, or your fondest memory.
    Considering that I spent relentless hours convincing my parents to enroll me in a dance program, my first day of jazz class was unforgettable. As I tucked my feet into the fresh jazz shoes, I could hear every beat of my heart pumping out adrenaline and anxiety. When the first beat of music surged out of the loudspeakers overhead, excitement showered me as I was reminded that I was another step closer to achieving my goals. From that moment, I realized it would be another year of endless dedication and enthusiasm for dance. Only this time, I get to share those moments with new friends and dancers.
  5. Who is your role model and why?
    One artist that inspires me is FKA Twigs. From her music to her performances, she is unapologetically authentic, versatile, and integral to her art, which are attributes that I value and constantly aspire to acquire as a movement artist.

Darianna Gonzalez

Visual Arts, W.H. Sclater Memorial Scholarship

Age: 12

When and how did you get started practicing your art form?
I’ve been drawing and painting for as long as I can remember. Since I was very little, I have always had a notebook, crayons, pencils or something to draw and paint with me everywhere I went. I would always draw anything I found interesting.

When I was six, I started taking art classes. After I took my first art class, I knew I wanted to keep on learning, drawing and painting for the rest of my life.

As the years passed, I noticed how creating art made me feel. Making art takes me to a whole new place, helps me express myself and fills me with so much joy.

How does winning this scholarship help you achieve your goals?
Winning the art scholarship at Place des Arts feels like a big burst of colours on my canvas! It feels like when you mix all your favourite shades and get an awesome painting.

Winning this scholarship helps me increase my confidence. The scholarship meant a lot to me because it was not just about winning the money, it was also about knowing that someone else enjoys my art, and that means a lot to me.

Place des Arts has really inspired me to be more creative and keep doing what makes me happy. Winning this scholarship gives me the opportunity to keep learning, keep improving my skills, keep creating and keep sprinkling my colours.

So, this scholarship isn’t just about achieving my goals; it’s about spreading joy, one brushstroke at a time.

How has your teacher helped you achieve your goals?
My teacher Clarissa Banos has helped me achieve my goals in so many ways. She has helped me by immensely supporting me in my art, always showing me the best and proper way of using different art mediums and techniques. She has really inspired me to keep pursuing my colourful art dreams and I am super thankful to have her and everything she has done for me. I am very lucky to have found her at Place des Arts.

Share a story about your time at Place des Arts. It can be about an inspiring moment, an impactful relationship or your fondest memory.

I remember when I went to Place des Arts for the first time for my art class. I got there earlier to make sure I knew where the class was and to be ready. I was walking in the hallway and started to see all the different art pieces displayed on the walls and on the platforms; I was like WOW this is amazing! I started to look closely at all the paintings and felt so inspired by all the art around me and knowing that some of the pieces of art were made by very young artists, motivated me a lot. Finally, when it was time for my class, I was ready and inspired. I felt like I belonged there.

Who is your role model and why?
One of my role models is Frida Kahlo because she made amazing art where she wanted to express her emotions fearlessly. I like her paintings because to me they show her feelings, creativity and authenticity and they help people everywhere feel inspired. I want to make art like that too!

Hailey Kwei

Music, Junior PdA Scholarship

Age: 10

  1. When and how did you get started practicing your art form? 

During the pandemic, I tried playing the piano using an app at home but I could only play very simple songs. In February 2022, I started learning piano with Christina. We both wore masks back then!  

  1. How does winning this scholarship help you achieve your goals?   

Winning this scholarship has helped me be more confident in whatever I’m working towards. Sometimes the outcome would be better than I think.    

  1. How has your teacher helped you achieve your goals?   

My teacher inspires me and encourages me in each class. I want to play well like her one day and even create my own music.  

  1. Share a story about your time at Place des Arts. It can be about an inspiring moment, an impactful relationship or your fondest memory.   

I started learning music with Mr. I through his Musical Rainbow Program when I was young. He tells the funniest jokes. I still remember all the continents from the song he taught me.  

  1. Who is your role model and why?  

My role model is my cousin Natasha because she’s kind, hardworking and a talented piano player. She is also good at sports and cares about the environment.  

Irene Lim

Music, PdA Scholarship

Age: 15

  1. When and how did you get started practicing your art form?
    I began my musical journey with the piano at the age of six, and have continued ever since.
  2. How does winning this scholarship help you achieve your goals?
    Winning this scholarship will help me to achieve my goal of becoming an open-minded, creative, and successful pianist and performer.  It fosters my leadership skills, by performing in the gala concert in May, and gives me the courage to continue pursuing more opportunities and achievements.
  3. How has your teacher helped you achieve your goals?
    My piano teacher has helped me achieve my goals by guiding and inspiring me during my musical journey, and by encouraging me to participate in a variety of competitions and performance opportunities.
  4. Share a story about your time at Place des Arts. It can be about an inspiring moment, an impactful relationship or your fondest memory. 
    My fondest memory of my time at Place des Arts is when I danced in the end-of-year concert with my ballet group, taught by Ms. Lucienne, in 2019. It was an enjoyable and inspiring moment because it was a very nerve-wracking but thrilling experience, and I remember being proud of having worked on the dance for the whole year.
  5. Who is your role model and why?
    My role model is Korean pianist Seong-jin Cho, because he is hardworking, humble, and considerate. I think that he is very inspiring for young students because of his qualities as a pianist and performer.

Mia Banner

Literary Arts, PdA Scholarship

Age: 13 

  1. When and how did you get started practicing your art form?

I reckon I started writing at five, but I did not become interested until grade four when I was first given one of those create-your-own-world worksheets from a substitute teacher, from there I was lucky that my mom enrolled me in the Place des Arts program. 

  1. How does winning this scholarship help you achieve your goals?

I don’t have a great sense of motivation or time, in fact, being in Place des Arts gives me time to write pieces that I struggle with completing outside of Place des Arts.

  1. How has your teacher helped you achieve your goals?

I love literature so much, and though I don’t always take it 100% seriously I do put my best effort into pieces I enjoy and my teacher always helps me go that little bit further. 

  1. Share a story about your time at Place des Arts. It can be about an inspiring moment, an impactful relationship or your fondest memory.

I don’t have a specific story but throughout my time here I have gained more confidence to share my pieces even if I believe they are below adequate because I hope to inspire others to share their work even if they don’t love it. 

  1. Who is your role model and why?

My role model is Bo Burnham, I did not know who he was until the songs from his latest special “Inside” started appearing on my “for you” page, I didn’t think much of it but I watched the special anyway. I think to this day it is one of the greatest pieces of media I’ve ever watched. The special was created during the pandemic, in one room, with one person. I think if I start analyzing this, it’ll be way too long so I’ll leave you with this, the storytelling, comedy, and actual layers of narrative make this piece amazing and genius. He voices his views on social media and how it affects our generation, loneliness, mental health and how his life has worsened throughout the pandemic. Though it’s all just an act, it felt very real and during COVID I was just beginning to like writing so I could really connect to some of the themes featured. 

Sashen Perera

Music, Junior PdA Scholarship

Age: 10

  1. When and how did you get started practicing your art form? 

I played piano with my grandfather at home from a very young age and started taking professional lessons from Benjamin Chan in 2018 at Place des Arts. 

  1. How does winning this scholarship help you achieve your goals?   

Scholarship would help my parents with the financial burden, and it would give me confidence in continuing to pursue my goal of being a pianist. 

  1. How has your teacher helped you achieve your goals?   

Ms. Christina Krystecki believed in my talent and provided guidance & instructions to help me develop my skills. She encourages me to push my boundaries and reach my full potential 

  1. Share a story about your time at Place des Arts. It can be about an inspiring moment, an impactful relationship or your fondest memory.   

When I was recognized for my gold medal from the RCM exams at Place des Arts recital, I felt happy and proud of my achievements, which motivated me to keep going.  

  1. Who is your role model and why?  

I have many powerful role models in my family that I look up to.  Everyone in my family plays piano and that has been the inspiration for me to fall in love with music from my birth.  

Selina Zhang

Music, PdA Scholarship

Age:  16

  1. When and how did you get started practicing your art form? 

I’ve been playing the piano since I was seven years old. My brother would play beautiful pieces, and I would always want to be able to play like him. I wanted to take piano lessons. My mom originally wanted my brother to teach me, but I didn’t fully understand it. She signed me up for piano lessons at Place des Arts instead. I have been taking piano lessons from Isaac ever since.  

  1. How does winning this scholarship help you achieve your goals?   

Gaining this scholarship gives me a sense of motivation and achievement. I feel like I could accomplish even greater things after achieving it, which inspires me to perform even better. This scholarship encourages me to continue improving my piano skills.  

  1. How has your teacher helped you achieve your goals?   

Isaac is a wonderful teacher. He’s given me lots of great piano instruction. He encourages me to work harder and reach my full potential, in addition to being kind and encouraging. He motivates me to push myself and develop my artistic talents.  

  1. Share a story about your time at Place des Arts. It can be about an inspiring moment, an impactful relationship or your fondest memory.   

The first piano concert I ever attended at Place des Arts is my favorite memory. I was very excited for that concert. When I arrived, I was a little anxious. My mom and my brother were going to watch me perform. But when other students started to play their pieces, I was in awe. When it was my turn, I was proud to play a simple piece in front of everyone, but especially my family.  

  1. Who is your role model and why?  

My role model is my brother. Ever since I was a kid, he has been one of my best friends. He was the one who inspired me to start piano in the first place. Listening to him play is always very moving. He is my role model because he is hardworking and patient when I need help. Overall, he is someone I aspire to be.  

Sienna Fogliato

Theatre, Junior PdA Scholarship

Age: 12

  1. When and how did you get started practicing your art form?
    I first started theatre during the summer of 2021. My brother, my friend and I joined a summer camp at Place des Arts. I really liked the camp and in September, me and my friend decided to join the Junior Coquitlam Youth Theatre class. We have been in the class since then.
  2. How does winning this scholarship help you achieve your goals?
    Winning this scholarship will help me to achieve my goals by helping me join another theatre class for the 2024-2025 season. By going to this class, I will continue to do what I love and improve my acting skills.
  3. How has your teacher helped you achieve your goals?
    Seamus Fera has helped me so much with my goals. He was the one who first got me into acting and helped me learn how to be more confident and a better public speaker, which is an important skill to have. He told me what I needed to work on and what I did well. He helped me achieve this scholarship and I am so grateful for that.
  4. Share a story about your time at Place des Arts. It can be about an inspiring moment, an impactful relationship or your fondest memory. 
    I’ve had so many great experiences at Place des Arts. I met two of my friends there and other wonderful people in my class. A memory I love was when we were waiting for our play Cinderella to begin at the Evergreen Theatre. We were all nervous and while we waited for our play to start, we filmed videos, fooled around, explored, danced, practiced lines and got ready. It was so fun!
  5. Who is your role model and why?
    My role model is probably Adam Sandler. He is such a funny actor and always gives me a laugh. I love Murder Mystery and Grown Ups. I also look up to Ryan Reynolds, who is a Canadian actor! He loves Vancouver, and he is also funny. I love Red Notice and Free Guy.


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