Our Online Auction starts October 19!

As a cornerstone of our fundraising efforts, proceeds from the auction play a crucial role in helping us reduce barriers to arts participation for the under-served children, youth and adults in our community. Funds raised through the auction will support Place des Arts’ program subsidies and community outreach initiatives, as well as the purchase and replacement of vital equipment necessary for the delivery of our arts education programs.

Online Auction

Discover amazing deals and support the arts during our annual fundraising online auction, running from October 19 to November 2, 2024. From unique artwork to outdoor adventures, our auction has something special for everyone!

Visit www.32auctions.com/placedesarts now to browse dozens of fabulous items and experiences.

For more information about the auction, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

We appreciate your support in helping us inspire the artist in everyone!

Place des Arts is grateful for the support of all donors to our 2024 fundraiser.

Gold Donors

Silver Donors

Bronze Donors (Listed alphabetically)

30 Minute Hit Port Moody, 6Pack Beach, AG Care, Altura Massage Therapy, Arts Club Theatre Company, Audain Art Museum, Ballet BC, Beatty Biodiversity Museum, Browns Socialhouse, Burger Heaven, Central City Fun Park, Climb Base 5, Everything Wine, Forbidden Vancouver, Gateway Theatre, H.R. Macmillan Space Centre, Il Terazzo, Jeff Wilson Art, Jessie Au Dance and Fitness, Joan McCauley, Kidtropolis, Kumsheen Rafting Resort, Kushala Yoga, Leah Alexandra Jewelry, Lougheed Town Centre, Lulu Island Winery, Museum of Anthropology, Moore Sales, Old Spaghetti Factory, Olive the Best, Opus Art Supplies Coquitlam, Pacific National Exhibition, Pomme Natural Market, Righteous Gelato, Royal BC Museum, Sheringham Distillery, Skoah Sutter Brooks, Swinomish Casino and Lodge, Tania Deisinger, The Cinematheque, The Cultch, The Golden Boot, The Improv Centre, The Keg, The Taphouse, Thrifty Foods, totinit, Vancouver Aquarium, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver Bach Choir, Vancouver Canadians Professional Baseball Club, Vancouver International Film Festival, Vancouver Opera, Vancouver Water Adventures, Vancouver Writers Festival, Victoria Bug Zoo, Village Toy Shop, Vinoscenti Vineyards.



50/50 Raffle

Launched in 2022 to celebrate our 50th anniversary, Place des Arts’ 50/50 fundraising raffles are a fun and easy way to support us. Help us make the arts more accessible for in-need children and families by purchasing tickets. Winner takes half!

Participants must be 19 years of age or older and located in BC at the time of purchase.
Please know your limit, play within it. Problem Gambling Help Line 1-888-795-6111. www.bcresponsiblegambling.ca

Giving Tuesday

Celebrate the day of giving with us! In 2023, we raised $337.68 to purchase a left handed guitar for our music programs, an addition that helps ensure that everyone feels welcome and empowered to explore their creativity at Place des Arts. We are very grateful to everyone who generously donated to our campaign. Your invaluable support fuels our commitment to creating a more vibrant and inclusive arts community for all.

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