My purpose for this creative art was to hint at the dreams of people. is a pure subject to use for the dream, therefore people are alive with it. My inspiration was from a movie based on a girl who was dreaming about her long-term goal, but suddenly she got lost in the desert and she was always dreaming of drinking water. Eventually, she realized that there is always at least one creation that we are not able to see and therefore she was thankful for that simple pure creation. By drinking water, she could learn to be thankful for everything that God has provided to her.
My small-sized art was an opportunity to show the meaning of different looks. In one, I provided the glass that has some dirt and lines over it, which hints at the hard times the subject experienced. The eye deeply represents the sorrows and the hopelessness felt. Snow in the background reminds me of a person outside in nature and remembering the love that she already has. I chose the name because of the energy that is given from the eye. The look is sorrow and sadness. But if you look deep, there is a hint of hope. This hope can make the audience feel positive about the piece. The eye is a great way of understanding the meaning of life and truthful talk. There is a common quote, “Eyes can never lie”.