View our 2024/2025 Program Guide to register for our upcoming season. View the Guide

Artist Statement

Much of my work is light-hearted, colourful and small in scale. I work in hand media (colour pencils, ink, controlled watercolour) as well as computer graphics and illustration.

I enjoy distorting buildings and wonkifying the world. In the last 8 years, I have made a drawing a day that has hatched a large number of silly bird cartoons which has taken over my life. Without meaning to, I discovered my sense of humour that people enjoy via my Wednesday Smile postings on social media.


Rose Kapp (Roszay) is a professionally educated visual artist based in the Tri-Cities. She is known for her illustrated maps, colouring pages, wonky building paintings and Worry Bird cartoons. Rose is a local arts advocate, founding Creative People Talking, an artist’s community network/salon.



Instagram: @rosekapp7071

Artwork Sales

Artwork cannot be reserved; sales are on a first-come, first-served basis.
Sales are open in-person and by phone during operating hours. Sales end at 9:00pm on Thursday, December 21, 2023.

How to Purchase by Phone

    1. Make note of the artist name, artwork number, title and sale price.
    2. Call our Registration Desk at 604-664-1636 ext. 0 to complete your purchase. Please have your credit card ready.
    3. A copy of your receipt will be emailed to you. Please bring it with you to pick up your artwork. Sold artwork can be picked up during operating hours until 9:00pm on Thursday, December 21, 2023.

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