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If you’ve been to our facility in the past few months, you most likely have met Moomin, our current Greeter and Safety Clerk.

Moomin has been responsible for checking in our students for their classes and lessons, cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces, and assisting teachers and staff. With funding provided by the Government of Canada through the Canada-British Columbia Workforce Development Agreement via the Community Workforce Response Grant, we were able to create this position which was vital to re-opening our facility and providing a safe environment for our students.

Find out more about Moomin and her role with Place des Arts below!

How did you feel applying during a pandemic?

It was quite stressful. Especially since I just graduated from university this year and there were a lot of anxieties and uncertainties around leaving school in the current job market.

What was your favourite aspect of your position?

Getting to know some of the students, patrons and teachers. Sometimes they share very interesting stories with you!

Have you felt comfortable working at Place des Arts? Did the safety conditions meet your expectations?

I think Place des Arts has great health and safety policies that protect everyone. The transparent barriers at the Greeter Desk for instance are a great addition that makes me feel safe.

What are some valuable skills you have learned while in this position?

Hearing people’s concerns and questions and solving them as quickly as possible is something that really helped with my problem-solving skills. Also, coming up with routines for different tasks to stay organized and efficient.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone else in the same position, what would it be?

Try to memorize the students who come in since it makes the process faster, and people like it when you remember them! Coming up with a routine for cleaning to save time and energy.

How has this program allowed you to expand your experience in arts and culture? How has it prepared you for work in this discipline?

There are a lot of chances for me to observe how a cultural centre operates and how teachers set up their classes. I also have gotten to know people who are interested in and/or practice art themselves. Also, seeing different exhibitions and pieces in the Artisan Shop is definitely wonderful.

How have the arts helped you during these unprecedented times?

As cliched as it may sound, being around art adds colours and fun to my life right now. As an aspiring artist, creating art continues to be a very important part of my life that keeps me going emotionally and gets me to interact with people in a non-physical way.

Although Moomin will be leaving Place des Arts this month, we are very grateful for everything she has contributed during her time with us.

Thank you to her and to the Community Workforce Response Grant for helping Place des Arts in trying times.


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