In this innovative children’s program, students learn the principles of music through singing songs, chanting rhymes, playing music games, and using xylophones, recorders and other instruments. This program is based on the Kodály philosophy along with elements of Orff and Suzuki methodology. Note-reading, writing and music history are taught at the upper levels. This program provides a solid understanding of music and creates a strong foundation for children to study music at an older age. Maximum of ten children per class.

Entering the program

Children may join at any level. Joining at the SPARKLES, RED, YELLOW or GREEN level is best. Joining at one of the upper levels is more of a challenge and may require help from parents at home. Students are given handouts each week. Short homework assignments are given in the GREEN, BLUE and PURPLE levels.

$11.00 per 45-min class
$12.00 per 60-min class


6 – 18 months • 45-minute class
Parents/Guardians sit with their babies and participate in guided activities to gain a sense of rhythm and to experience the joy that music brings. Social skills, language development, self-confidence and creativity will be strengthened through play, improvisation, multi-sensory materials and the opportunity to practice music together.

explore classes!



16-36 months • 45-minute class
Young children will enjoy learning music and rhymes through a variety of instruments, songs and movement-based activities. Social skills, language development, self-confidence and creativity will be strengthened through play, improvisation, multi-sensory materials and the opportunity to practice music together. Parent/Guardian participation is required.

Explore classes!



3½ – 4½ years • 45-minute class
Students begin by building a repertoire of musical experiences. The songs and rhymes learned will be used to inform musical concepts in later years. The goal is to have a fun, positive experience in music in a group setting. Concepts such as music beat, fast/slow, loud/soft and higher/lower pitches are explored.

explore classes!


4½ – 5½ years • 45-minute class
This level has more singing, more games, and more fun! They begin their first music reading and writing booklets. Hand signs are used to convey differences in pitch and rhythm names are spoken and written in stick notation. Pitch matching and melody charts are used to assist in singing in tune.

explore classes!


5½ – 6½ years • 60-minute class
The music staff is introduced, and students learn to read and write notes upon the staff using both absolute pitch names and hand sign names. The students create three booklets using three different keys for reading and writing music. They also begin playing the recorder.

explore classes!



6½ – 7½ years • 60-minute class
Students continue playing the recorder which will provide a wonderful foundation for learning other instruments in the future. The sharp and flat are introduced. Students learn to read and write music using three full major and minor scales.

explore classes!



7½ – 8½ years • 60-minute class
At this level the students become skillful on the recorder, learning several classical pieces and longer folk and popular pieces by the end of the year. Singing is improved through vocal exercises and solo work. Music theory is expanded and students compose their own music. Part-work, music terms and hand signs are built upon at this final level of the Musical Rainbow!

explore classes!

Registration for all September – June Musical Rainbow classes must be done over the phone or in person at the Place des Arts registration desk. Registration for fall, winter or spring session classes, may be done online, by phone at 604.664.1636 or in person at our registration desk.

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