Join us on May 24 for a concert and visual arts activity - just for adults! Find out More

Royceton Breitkreuz, Visual Arts

Teacher: Janice Liu | W.H. Sclater Memorial Award

Example of Work #1
Example of Work #2
Example of Work #3

Age: 11

  1. When and how did you get started practicing your art form?
    I was around 9 years old when I started to practice drawing more seriously when I saw my dad drawing bubble-style letters and I wanted to learn how to do this.
  2. Who is your role model and why?
    I don’t know if I have a role model but my influences are my friend’s art pieces, reading comics and other random pictures I see on the internet.
  3. What motivates you to continue to learn this art form?
    I’m interested in seeing new comics, movies or graffiti and I like to challenge myself by trying to copy it and draw my own version.
  4. How does winning this scholarship help you achieve your goals?
    I’m happy and thankful for the scholarship and will continue to my best.
  5. How has your teacher helped you achieve your goals?
    My teachers helped me achieve my goals by giving me ideas and giving me advice on how I can try new things in my drawings.
  6. Tell us your favourite memory of Place des Arts.
    My favourite memory at Place des Arts is starting a new class and not knowing anyone but making friends that make me laugh and seeing all their idea’s in their artwork.
  7. How has studying at Place des Arts inspired you?
    Seeing how other people draw pictures motivates me to try new things and draw more.
  8. Describe how you feel when you come to Place des Arts.
    It feels fun to come to Place des Arts to meet other people who have the same interests as me and we have conversations about drawing. I also like learning new ways of drawing and getting ideas from everyone.
  9. How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted your arts education?
    I feel since COVID started I needed to use a computer more and I learned how to lookup more drawings online.
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