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Current Place des Arts fibre and visual arts teacher


I am a textile artist and art teacher, with an almost thirty-year career dedicated to the resist dyeing methods of Batik and Shibori and the universe of fibres. I have practised Batik on fabric and paper for 17 consecutive years and Shibori for the other years. In the past few years, I have also been fascinated by the world of stamping and printing, which I love to combine with dyed surfaces. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts and Education, a Master’s Degree in Fine Arts/Textiles and a Certificate in Expressive Arts Therapy. I combine all my studies and work experiences in my teachings, transferring my knowledge while fostering students’ creativity, imagination and their search for their artistic languages. I have worked with people of all ages and backgrounds as a mixed-media art teacher and as a textile art teacher, offering short and long programs in a variety of settings and class formats. I love leading community projects and facilitating collective artwork, helping people to connect through art and the unique qualities of textiles. I am an art instructor at Shadbolt Centre, Place des Arts and the Surrey Art Gallery.

Artist Statement

I believe in the innovative and timeless aspects of traditional techniques and I feel inspired by the juxtaposition between the two worlds of ancient cultures and contemporary art. I am inspired by the richness of simplicity; designs that result from consecutive layers of colours and the combination of geometrical forms.

Throughout my career, I have learned how to work in partnership with materials and I try to combine my initial creative plans with elements of chance and surprise that arise from the process. I look for the balance between controlling and letting go while creating. It is in this search for harmony between these two opposite forces that I create my work.

I am attracted to the tactile properties of fibres, as well as the idea of bringing beauty into our daily life. I attempt to create pieces that are pleasant and comfortable, carefully combining artisan quality and functionality all into one beautifully intertwined work of art!

Instagram: @flow.shibori

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