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Artist Category: Adult 19+


Amrit is an Indian, Punjabi woman living on the unceded ancestral lands of the Semiahmoo, Katzie, Kwantlen, Sto:lo, Stz’uminus, Wsáneć and Tsawwassen first nations. Since 2017, she has been creating visual art and multi-genre creative writing pieces. Her work has been featured in WithinTentions, Emerge, Coastal Daydream Zine, Spotlight Magazine, The Blindian Project and Arrieta Art Studio. In May 2023, Amrit’s exhibition “Reflections on Caste” was featured at Arrieta Art Studio. Her art explores the experiences within the Indian diaspora, multiple iterations of love, the impacts of colonialism, the Indian caste system and the racial caste system/systemic racism, interconnectivity and liberation.

Artist Statement

The two pieces on exhibit were part of my solo art show in May 2023, “Reflections on Caste”, which focused on two inhumane systems of stratification: the Indian caste system and the racial caste system/systemic racism. The show centered and honoured anti-caste and anti-racist leaders, their words, knowledge and their work that speaks on liberation and abolition of these systems. I believe it is absolutely crucial to actively challenge and work towards abolishing these systems of violence, especially when these systems have and continue to impinge on Dalit, Black and Indigenous communities’ safety, well-being and daily life. We all have the decision to either passively or actively continue the existence of these systems OR we can be a part of the abolition of them and move towards liberation. Subsequently, these two paintings were made with mirrors to have individuals literally and figuratively reflect on these systems. Reflect on action, what will you do? hopes to have individuals reflect on their unique way of bringing change into this world.  The lines of my life cross with yours is intended to show our interconnectivity and our impacts on life.

Instagram: @Zaambi

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